City score: Up to date.

von Ikezawa, Hiroshi :

Ikezawa, Hiroshi :
Verlag / Jahr
Tokyo : Process Architecture Publ., 1992.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. auch farb. Abb. 159 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Text engl. u. japan. - Urban Remains. Rome, Hamburg, Barcelona and others -- Environmental Factors and Design Vocabulary. France, Monaco, Celle, Hokkaido, Kokura and other -- Resort Environments. Honolulu, Cadaques, Nice, Côte d'Azur and others -- Housing Areas and their Needs. San Francisco, Foster City, New York and others -- Urban Planting and General Verdure. Paris, Hamburg, Hiroshima, Seattle and others -- City Parks. San Francisco, Tokyo, Hiroshima, California and others -- Roadside Trees in Townscapes. Los Angeles, California, Paris, Canne and others -- Lighting and Art. Santa Monica, Paris, California, Yokohama and others -- Pedestrian Space. Avignon, München, Hannover, Santa Monica and others -- Shopping Centers on a Community Scale. California -- Elements of Fun and Enjoyment. Rome, Wien, California, Amsterdam, Hamburg and others -- City Atrium. Los Angeles, California, Paris, London, Vancouver and others -- Townscape Transformation. Tokyo, New York, Osaka, Los Angeles and others -- Ecology and the Vernacular. California, Cannes, Kyoto and others -- Environmental Conservation and Development. Languedoc-Roussillon, Côte d'Azur and others -- Harmony and Contrast. Boston, New York, Utrecht, California and others. ISBN 4893311042
Unser Preis
EUR 27,90
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City score: Up to date.

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