From Ritual to Romance and Beyond. Comparative Literature and Comparative Religious Studies. Proceedings of the ICLA Conference at Jacobs University, Bremen August 6-8, 2008.

von Schmeling, Manfred and Hans-Joachim (eds.) Backe:

Schmeling, Manfred and Hans-Joachim (eds.) Backe:
Verlag / Jahr
Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2011.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 316 S.
ca. 491 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - Auch Aufsätze in französisch. - JOHN BURT FOSTER Islamic Jihad in Tolstoy's Khadzhi-Murat -- BETTINA GRUBER Literature and Religion: Features of a Systematic Comparison -- SHIGEMI INAGA Crime, Literature and Religious Mysticism: The Case of the Japanese Translator of Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses -- HANS G. KIPPENBERG From Shiite Rituals to Revolution in Iran 1978/79 -- STEPHANE MICHAUD L'absence ou le silence de Dieu dans la poésie contemporaine : Celan, Bonnefoy, Deguy -- HANS JOACHIM BACKE The Creation of Literary Golems: Art and Artifice -- EDUARDO F. COUTINHO Logos and Mythos in Guimaraes Rosa's Fiction -- BIAGIO D'ANGELO Identité nationale en Amérique Latine : entre mythe et tragédie -- KATHLEEN L. KOMAR "The Gods Made Us Do It." Women as Sacrifice -- HELENA BONITO COUTO PEREIRA Mythes et rituels dans la construction d'identités nationales -- MANFRED SCHMELING Du rite au model cognitif: le labyrinthe et la disparition du 'grand récit' -- MONIKA SCHMITZ EMANS Cults of Memory and their Aesthetic Reflection -- STEVEN P. SONDRUP Toward a Historiography of Literature Considered as a Gift -- SYLVIE ANDRE A la recherche d'un Grand Récit contemporain : nature et fonction du syncrétisme religieux dans les romans polynésiens CHUNG HO CHUNG A Christian Approach to Buddhist Monk Poet Han Yong Un -- DOROTHY FIGUEIRA Excess Baggage, Conjugal Devotion and the Subaltern Speaks! -- KARL MAURER Bajaiét de Racine: une tragédie à profil interculturel? -- STEVEN SHANKMAN (m)Other Power: Shin Buddhism, Levinas, King Lear -- ROSS SHIDELER Gunnar Ekelöf's Byzantium and the Unknown -- MICHEL AROTTIMI Kafka entre taoïsme et hassidisme -- ANKE BOSSE -- "Clash of Civilizations" Clash of Literatures? -- HARALD BÖST -- "Und die Moral von der Geschieht." Looking at literature Beyond Good and Evil -- ELISABETH LOVLIE -- Reading Religiously, the Secret à venir in Literature and Religion -- KITTY MILLET The Victim as Mishnah -- TOMO VIRK The Literary and Ethics ISBN 9783826045837
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From Ritual to Romance and Beyond. Comparative Literature and Comparative Religious Studies.

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