Drug Abuse and Personality in Young Offenders.

von Cockett, R.:

Cockett, R.:
Verlag / Jahr
London, Butterworths. 1971.,
Format / Einband
VIII, 166 Seiten. Originalkarton.
ca. 550 g
Gebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - This study of over 2,500 young offenders involved to some degree in drug abuse is written by Dr. R. Cockett, Regional Psychologist to the Home Office Prison Department, South-West Region. He has produced a fascinating personality study which explores the possible causes of the tendency towards drug-taking and its association with crime. Aided by a team of psychological testers and interviewers, and with access to Court medical reports, Dr. Cockett has assembled a great deal of evidence on the social setting of drug abuse, its natural history, its connection with social relationships and adjustment, and the psychological characteristics of young people who turn to both hard and soft drugs. The results of the survey suggest that, in the majority of cases, delinquency begins before drug-taking, so there is no obvious causal link between the two. On the vexed question of cannabis smoking. Dr. Cockett's researches showed that 59% of those who began their drug-taking with cannabis progressed in some measure to multi-drug use. This figure would suggest that cannabis smoking contributes to the general development of drug use habituation.
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Drug Abuse and Personality in Young Offenders.

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