Engagement and Exposure. Mobile Communication and the Ethics of Social Networking. Communications in the 21st Century.

von Nyíri, Kristóf (ed.):

Nyíri, Kristóf (ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
Wien: Passagen Verlag, 2009.
Format / Einband
Broschiert 202 S.
ca. 225 g
Gebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - Inhalt: Kristóf Nyíri / Preface -- Charles Ess / Always On? Ethical and Political Dimensions of Mobile Communication Technologies -- James E. Katz / Social Structure, New Communication Technology and Citizen Journalism -- Richard Harper / The Metaphysics of the Communications Age. What Is the Source of Our Urge To Be in Touch? -- Leopoldina Fortunati / Reflections on Mediated Gossip -- Rich Ling / Trust, Cohesion and Social Networks. The Case of Quasi-Illicit Photos in a Teen Peer Group -- Gabriela David / Clarifying the Mysteries of an Exposed Intimacy. Another Intimate Representation Mise-en-scène -- Kurt Röttgers / The Pornographic Turn - or: The Loss of Decency -- Anna Reading / The Playful Panopticon? Ethics and the Coded Self in Social Networking Sites -- Ulrich Johannes Schneider / Counter-Knowledge. An Update on Foucault in the Age of Mobile Communication -- György Csepeli / Masquerade in the Blogroom. Effects of Anonimity on Communication in the New Medium -- Jaz Hee-jeong Choi / Searching the Self in Seoul. Trans-youth and Urban Social Networking in Korea -- István Maradi / Social Networking on 3 Screens: A Transition Story -- András Benedek / Mobile Learning: New Horizons and Unstable Summits -- Norbert Pachter - John Cook / Mobile, Informal and Lifelong Learning. A UK Policy Perspective -- Anna Györfi - Ian Smythe / Re-engaging the SEN Child into Learning through Social Networking. A Case Study -- Giuseppina Pellegnno / The Electronic Body between Fragmentation and Concentration. Tracing Symptoms for an Ethics of Multiplicity -- Quzsanna Kondor / Communication and the Metaphysics of Practice. Sellarsian Ethics Revisited. - The rise of mobile communications is a major development in social and cultural history. This development has once more arrived at a turning-point: mobile communications are merging with online social networking, presenting a new challenge to the humanities. Social networking sites have in the past few years become extremely popular, and have turned the web into a markedly social medium. However, online social networking has led to concerns about privacy, as well as about possible counter-productive effects on making new real-world acquaintances. These effects are, in the short run, aggravated by permanent mobile connectivity. In the long run, however, mobile social networking might actually enhance real-world connections, with persons in your physical vicinity able to introduce themselves on the screen of your handheld. Privacy, anonymity, virtuality, friendship – the topic of mobile social networking clearly invites philosophical, and, in particular, ethical discussions. ISBN 9783851659061
Philosophie / 20., 21. Jahrhundert, Philosophie / 20. / 21. Jahrhundert, Internet, Mobilkommunikation, Netzwerke (soz.), Kommunikationswissenschaft
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Engagement and Exposure. Mobile Communication and the Ethics of Social Networking.

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