The arrow of gold. A story between two notes.

von Conrad, Joseph:

Conrad, Joseph:
Verlag / Jahr
London : Fisher Unwin, (1922).
Format / Einband
Originalleinen. 336 S.
ca. 550 g
Einband berieben und bestossen, papierbedingt gering gebräunt. - The pages have been extracted from a pile of manuscript which was apparently meant for the eye of one woman only. She seems to have been the writer's childhood's friend. They had parted as children, or very little more than children. Years passed. Then something recalled to the woman the companion of her young days and she wrote to him : "I have been hearing of you lately. I know where life has brought you. You certainly selected your own road. But to us, left behind, it always looked as if you had struck out into a pathless desert. We always regarded you as a person that must be given up for lost. But you have turned up again ; and though we may never see each other, my memory welcomes you and I confess to you I should like to know the incidents on the road which has led you to where you are now."
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The arrow of gold.

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