My first Movie.

von Lowenstein, Stephen:

Lowenstein, Stephen:
Verlag / Jahr
London: faber & faber, 2000.
Format / Einband
Broschiert. 360 S. mit Abb.
ca. 550 g
Einband gering berieben. - Introduction Acknowledgements -- Joel and Ethan Coen: Blood Simple -- Tom DiCillo: Johnny Suede -- Allison Anders: Gas Food Lodging -- Kevin Smith: Clerks -- Stephen Frears: Gumshoe -- Ken Loach: Poor Cow -- Mike Leigh: Bleak Moments -- Bertrand Tavernier: The Watchmaker of Saint-Paul -- Barry Levinson: Diner -- Oliver Stone: Salvador -- Neil Jordan: Angel -- Anthony Minghella: Truly, Madly, Deeply -- Mira Nair: Salaam Bombay! -- Mike Figgis: Stormy Monday -- Pedro Almodovar: Pepi, Luci, Bom -- Steve Buscemi: Trees Lounge -- Gary Oldman: Nil by Mouth -- Ang Lee: Pushing Hands -- P. J. Hogan: Muriel's Wedding -- James Mangold: Heavy -- Director Biographies. - In these vivid and revealing interviews, a collection of film-makers as diverse as the Coen brothers and Ken Loach, Ang Lee and Kevin Smith, Anthony Minghella and Gary Oldman, Neil Jordan and Mira Nair, talk in extraordinary detail and with amazing candour about making their first films. Each chapter focuses on a celebrated debut - be it Angel or Blood Simple, Clerks or Diner, Muriel's Wedding or Truly, Madly, Deeply - and tells its story from the inside: from writing the script to raising the money; from casting the actors to assembling the crew; from shooting to editing; from selling the movie to screening it. Along the way, every aspect of the movie industry is explored; from dealing with agents and moguls for the first time to pitching your movie as a debutant director; from languishing in development hell to confronting test audiences from hell. The questions have been posed by a young director, Stephen Lowenstein, who already has two acclaimed short films to his name. Remembering the struggle to launch their careers, the directors have therefore opened up about their first films and themselves to an unprecedented degree. Each chapter is not only a memoir of a particular movie, but also an emotional journey in which the director relives the pain and elation, the comedy and tragedy, of their first feature. For anyone who wants to direct movies, these tales of triumph and disaster, of sleepless nights and nail-biting days, will be enthralling and terrifying in^qual measure. For all other film fans, the interviews provide a fascinating and entertaining insight into filmmakers who have since become household names. ISBN 0571196691
Kino, Filme, Regisseure, Filmgeschichte, Cinema
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My first Movie.

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