Essential Radio Skills. How to present and produce a Radio Show.

von Stewart, Peter:

Stewart, Peter:
Verlag / Jahr
London: A & C Black, 2006.
Format / Einband
Broschiert. XVIII; 396 S. mit Abb.
ca. 700 g
Sehr gutes Ex. - Foreword - by Jeremy Vine, Radio 2 - Preface - The author - Acknowledgements - - 1 THE STRUCTURE OF UK RADIO - The BBC - Commercial stations - RSLs - Community radio - Digital radio - Student radio - Hospital radio - Internet radio - Podcasting - Pirate radio - SO YOU WANT TO PRESENT? - What are the plus points? - What are the negatives?, - Your qualifications - Your qualities: adaptability; confidence and friendliness; - courtesy; good personality; humour; lots of interests; sociable; - talkability; team worker; well-organised; be yourself - Your name - Possible earnings - Career prospects - 3 SO YOU WANT TO PRODUCE? - What are the plus points? - What are the negatives? - Your qualifications Your qualities: assertiveness; creativity; good general knowledge; - immediacy; organised; practical and adaptable; research skills; - resilience; self-confidence; writing ability - Possible earnings - Career prospects - - OTHER PEOPLE AT THE STATION - Your manager - Programme controller/director or SBJ programmes - Journalists - Other producers or broadcast assistants - Other presenters - Promotions team - Marketing and brand management team - The sales team - Commercial production - Traffic department - Accounts, finance and admin - Music librarian and scheduler - Community affairs producer - Engineer - Receptionist - THE RADIO STATION - The station's name - Station logo - Station slogan - The station brand - Advertising the station: appeals; social action campaigns; concerts; - street patrols; local logos; out and about; press publicity; publicity stunts; - guerrilla promotions; industry competitions - Advertising on the station: what's in the adverts; four listener turn-offs; - playing the adverts; how presenters can help the sales team; - sponsorship; ads, sponsorship and the BBC - Advertising the station on the station: cross-platform promotions - THE AUDIENCE - The target audience - Non-target listeners - Rajar and ratings: reading the stats; interpreting the stats; alternatives to the diary system; Rajar analysis; tracking; focus groups; LACs THE PROGRAMMES - The programmes - Programme names - The breakfast show: the facts; the audience; the programmes; - the three Fs; a final word - Daytime shows: the facts; the audience; the programmes - Drivetime shows: the facts; the audience; the programmes; musical chairs - Evening shows: the facts; the audience; the programmes - Overnight shows: the audience; the programmes; - the pros and cons of the graveyard shift - Saturdays: the audience; the programmes; sports coverage; - the importance of sport - Sundays: the audience; the programmes - MUSIC PROGRAMMING - Music research - The core - The playlist, - Scheduling music - The playlist meeting - Music categories - The mix in an hour - Hour starters - All the hits? - The role of the computer - Street-level scheduling strategies - The playout computer - The presenter and the music - The importance of music - Music features - Inappropriate music - Appropriate music - Exclusive tracks - Obit songs - Radio edits - Power starts - Christmas songs - Christmas countdowns - PPL, PRS and MCPS - Library music - The spoken word - Internet tracks SPEECH PROGRAMMING - Planning the running order: the programme clock; fill in the blanks; where to put the music; where to put the speech; the music/speech mix; slabs of speech; your best material; your worst material; drag 'em through; life is a roller coaster; it takes two; phono? Oh, no!; at :58; stay flexible; broadcast with flying colours - 10 SHOW PREP - Where links come from: fifteen steps to prep; keep your eyes - and ears open; be prepared; the emotion quotient; make it personal, gee whiz, McFizz; what do they want to know?; what do they need to know?; the ideas generator; an injection of connections; consider these questions; the vol-au-vent advantage; don't over-prep!; it's everyday life; have a reaction; go mental - Breakfast show prep - Show prep services: how to choose one; how to use one; - but the main thing is - Other tips and hints: liner prep; swap shop; stockpile; be ruthless - User-Generated Content: websites; ten key reasons for a website; five key website features; seven key ways producers can use the website; texts - 11 GETTING GUESTS - Choosing guests: variety is the spice; book early to avoid disappointment; - it's still for the listener; reach for the stars; Number Ten - Making the call - Celebrity guests: interview locations; the questions; - plugging products; publicity - Local appearances - Politicians - Actors and musicians - The hierarchy of interview locations: live in the studio; - live on the phone; live down the line; pre-recorded interviews - Briefing sheets: tasters and teasers; contact details; cues and questions; - background information; minutes and seconds - Handover sheets - The guest on the day - ROTS: logger; autorot; snoop tape; dub; transcripts - Your contacts book - ia OUTSIDE BROADCASTS - Why an OB? - Before an OB: the recce; publicity; the day before - What to take on an OB: essential kit; to help the programme; - promotions material; for comfort; technical items On the day - The 'broadcast' bit of an OB: unobtrusive cues; the live audience; - two more things - After the event - Risk assessment - Personal appearances: charity events - The presenter's role - Finally - 13 THE LAW AND GUIDELINES - Libel - Contempt of Court - Elections - Other legal issues: children and young people; sexual offences; - rehabilitation of offenders; the nations; finally - 14 YOUR HEALTH AND SAFETY - The presenter/producer relationship: how a producer can help - a presenter; how a presenter can help a producer - The C-word: communications made easy; how to take it - - good feedback; how to take it - bad feedback - Assertiveness: different characters; being assertive; how to talk assertively; - how to look assertive; how to say 'no' - Your personal safety: awkward listeners; being aware of your - safety; presents to presenters; dating listeners - Your health: broadcasting under pressure; off days - Time management: strategies to save serious seconds - 15 KNOBS, BUTTONS AND SWITCHES - The studio: acoustics; line of sight; the other studios; your place of work - New technology - The basics: microphones; station logo and mie flags; headphones; - monitoring; monitor speakers; the chair - Mixing desk: faders; PFL; levels; processing; gains; EQ; pan controls - Sources: ISDNs; line-up tones and clean feeds - The lights: studio lights; red light; blue light; green light; - white light; orange light; obit light - Talkback unit - Other equipment: CD machines; turntables, carts, DAT, - MD and cassettes - The screens: playout systems; text screens; TV monitor The phones: phone lines and TBU; phone delay; the studio XD - Don't forget!: studio clock; whiteboard; webcam - Studio etiquette: studio socialising; keep it clean; when to arrive at - the station; when to arrive at the studio - Studio fault log - Competition log - Studio bible - Obit procedure - House style guide - 16 AUDIO IMAGING - A few rules - Jingle jargon: acappellas; beds; custom packages; demo CDs; donut; - dry drop-in; instrumental; jx; liner; loop; music demonstrator; - news jingles; out of news jingles and hour openers; power intros; - ramp; shotgun; shout; signature tune; slogan; stabs; station theme; - sting; sweeper; transitional jingles; verbal idents; vox IDs; whisper - 17 STAND BY STUDIO - Arriving on time - Checking the studio - Operating the desk - Automation: for automation; against automation; automation tricks - Answering the phone - Non-verbal communication - 18 HOW TO TALK - One to nine on being one-to-one: be conversational; use your usual speech pattern; use everyday words; use contractions; keep a single listener in mind; show genuine emotion; make the information personal; it's the message not your voice; talk about relatable experiences - Your voice: breathing; resonance; clarity; warming up; during the show; nerves; be your own critic; six strong speaking strategies; body language; vocal variety; your projection; health tips - Reading out loud: six secrets for speaking the written word is LINKS - Basic advice: are links scripted?; how often should you do a link?; - the length of a link; think before you link; know where you're - going; know when you've got there; know what happens next; - one thought, one link; the station name; your name; - one to one-ness; format jocks; the basic link - Helios and menus: your show sheet; the programme run down; - a pointless plea; in a packed programme ; a name change - The localiser generator: the list to make links local - Further advice: personal connection; your own station; local news; - their POV; incestuous links; never be negative; Happy Radio; - family friendly; don't always be honest 1; don't always be - honest 2; name checks; stories from newspapers; talking - about TV; talking about other radio stations; handovers - The cart and horse - Ask a question - Humour on the radio: comedy connections; the laws of laughter; - the comedy clauses; is it funny?; would you say it?; could you say it?; - don't tell a joke; the funniest part; a punch after the punch line; - it's also how you say it; what's not so good; humour in - topical material; April Fool jokes; wind-up calls - 50 TEASING AND TRAILING - A few definitions: teasers; trails; headlines - Teasing and trailing basics: when do you T&T?; - T&T every link?; exit points; what's, for afters?; - the porridge pot principle; back-selling; what you're - going to do next; the selfish syndrome; promote breakfast; - promote specifics; cross-promotion - Teasing: the rules of teasing; teasing vocab; don't lie; a wind-up; - when not to tease; a tease that misleads - Trails: scheduling trails; horizontal and vertical scheduling; - promoting weekends; the right length; a basic trail; - another basic trail; personal recommendation - 51 PRESENTING PROGRAMME ITEMS - The basics: furniture features; benchmark features; - stranded and branded; throw ahead; recorded annos - News: timings into the news; news jingles; what not to say; - credibility; news teasers; back teasers; tip-offs; and finally - Travel news: why we do it; how long and when it's on; - information sources; jambusters; flying eyes; getting the - news on air; getting into the bulletin; travel jingles; - the order of the info; the result and the reason; - relatable words; correct words; twenty travel tricks The weather: where it comes from; when to do the weather; - what weather to do; not a filler; weather as news; relatable weather; - 'right now inYourtown '; the forecast broadcast dirty dozen; - weather updates; weather T&T; tides and inshores; snowlines - Telling the time: how often; how to say it; time in teasers; - afternoons and evenings; the verbal crutchx - Ad breaks: going into a break; in the middle of a break; - coming out of a break - The what's on diary: but they're boring; how to choose an item; - how to read an item; how to read dates; how long should each - item be?; the extra mile; beware the cheapskate!; - Action Desks - Other programme items: fascinating facts; celebrity birthdays; This Day - In History; lists; entertainment news; Police File; other unique features - 22 PRESENTING MUSIC - Introducing music: the basics; what are you playing?; - specialist music shows; a standard intro; some say ; - the artists and title; classic songs; trivia; stories of the songs; - personal connections; links with the music; info or advert?; - screen information; clichéd links; tortuous links; bad songs; - this one again ; levels and speed; the penultimate words; - the ultimate words; all the 'way?; what to do; know when - to shut up; intros and drop ins; more advanced; a final word - Getting from one song to another: the basics - What to do when a song's playing - Outroducing music: your speed and style; the order of the - information; what else to say; songs that fade; songs that end - Backtimes and overruns: filling for time - 23 COMPETITIONS - Competition vs lottery - The mechanic: the name; four ways to call for contestants; - the rules; seventeen competition considerations; questions; - suspense and surprise; contest production - Promoting the competition: attention; desire; action - Choosing a contestant: prize pigs; be picky; get their number; - lucky lines; education - The caller on air - Running the competition - When it's been run and won: caller clichés - The prize: bigger is not always better; small prizes that - sound big; clearing prizes; regulations; prizes reflecting - the brand; money can't buy; teasing and truthful - Despatching prizes - Post production - Finally 24 BASIC INTERVIEWING - Preparation: more UGC - Before the interview: the length of an interview - The question section: 5Ws and an H; clear questions; - open and closed questions; listen for your next question; - active listening; you don't always need to ask 'questions'; - coach your guest; interview clips; reflect their answers - back to them; leave room; signpost some of your - questions; two sugars; remember to TALK - At the end of the interview: copies of interviews - 25 PHONE-INS - Doing a phone-in; types of phone in; a sign of the times; - the phone-in presenter; the phone number - Choosing topics: the ten steps to top topics; opinions and - experiences; the selfish streak; an open open line?; - where they go in the flow; play with your MyPod - Setting up the topics - Resetting the topics: are the phones broken? - Screening callers: first things first; pre-interview them; set them up; - the more calls the better?; enough info - Scheduling callers: Stewart's scheduling system - On air: a balancing act; saying hello; how are you?; voice match; - watch for windbags; domination; don't mention; saying goodbye - Recording calls: the rules of recording calls - The index of eighteen callers to avoid - How to say no thanks - Finally - 26 OTHER KINDS OF SHOW - The zoo: why a zoo?; the characters; the conflict; the visitor to the zoo; constructing a zoo; hearing voices; be true to your on-air character; naming names; sycophants; follow my leader; relatable revelations; humour in a team; top team tricks; invisible cues; off-air bonding; impro-ve yourself; co-presenters - Requests and dedications: what are they?; their importance; off-air before on-air; producing the show; phone-in requests; the presenting style on a request show; ones you can't play; what if someone calls for a song you were going to play next anyway?; recording request-line callers - Remembrance programmes - Christmas - Swing shifts 27 WHEN IT ALL GOES WRONG - Putting the F into FM: the worst words - Silence vs dead air: when it all goes quiet; apologising; - dead-air checklist; how to fill to time - Corpsing - Obit procedure: phase one; phase two; phase three Complaints: apologies - 28 AT THE END OF THE SHOW * - Goodbyes - Handovers - After the show - Programme reviews - Your own ROT - Snoop sessions: the four Cs - Long-term appraisals - - 29 WHERE TO START - How to get in: BBC radio; commercial radio; travel presenters; - community radio; student radio; RSLs; hospital radio; - pirate radio; club and party DJ; talking newspapers - Broadcasting courses: university courses - Work placements - Volunteering - Demos: your voice; be yourself; focus on the format; links; - confidence; wits; time checks and IDs; -where to record it; - what to record it on; how long should the demo be?; finally - CVs: - Covering letter - The whole package - The follow-up - Create your own luck - You're in - almost! - 30 MORE CAREER ADVICE - Promoting yourself - Going freelance: why it's best to be a staffer; why it's best - to be a freelance; other work - Getting an accountant: - Getting an agent - Unions THE BACK ANNO APPENDICES - Radio format categories - DJ clichés - How to cope with killer breakfast (or overnight) shifts - How to learn the most, the fastest, when you move to a new station Contact details - GLOSSARY - INDEX. ISBN 0713679131
Radio, Radio Show, Studioarbeit, Radiosender, Moderation, Rundfunk, Radio Station, Presenting
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Essential Radio Skills. How to present and produce a Radio Show.

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