Deviance, Reality and Society.

von Box, Steven.:

Box, Steven.:
Verlag / Jahr
London u.a., Holt, Rinehart and Winston Ltd. 1971.,
Format / Einband
XIII, 265 Seiten mit einigen Schaubildern und Tabellen im Text. Originalkarton.
ca. 550 g
Auf einigen Seiten Bleistiftanstreichungen. Einband papierbedingt gebräunt. - The author's intention is to reveal some of our everyday common 'knowledge' on deviance as myths. Dr. Box does this by rejecting an organic model of society in favour of a conflict model, by emphasizing the calculative bases of much human behaviour, by viewing official data as petrified evidence of judicial bias against members of underprivileged strata rather than as valid indicators of crime and criminals, and finally by accepting the inter-actionist account of individual identity as an emergent and changing social product rather than a fixed attribute. He discusses in depth five important issues: The nature and functions of deviance-and the insights these give into the structure and maintenance of society. -- The social distribution in various strata of criminally deviant behaviour. -- How to account for primary deviation-or why don't we all break the law? -- The social processes at work behind the compilation of 'official' data on deviance, and the factual distortion they produce. -- Secondary deviation-or why do some people become deviant ? -- The author concentrates on criminal deviance in the interests of producing a stimulating, lucid and cohesive text which draws together the main threads of recent, important sociological theory.
Abweichendes Verhalten, Kriminalität
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