Self and Social Context.

von Holland, Ray.:

Holland, Ray.:
Verlag / Jahr
London, Macmillian. 1977.,
Format / Einband
303 Seiten. Originalkarton.
ca. 550 g
Einband leicht berieben. - Personality and role theory has been the subject of considerable discussion by many of this century's major figures in the psychological and social sciences. As a result, a diversity of individual theories has been generated, many of which seem either incompatible or at best difficult to relate to one another. A method of achieving a measure of integration among this diversity is obviously desirable, and it is to this end that Ray Holland's book is devoted. His approach involves a critical reading of the published work of the most important authors -a method more typical of literary criticism or psychoanalysis than the human sciences. Nevertheless, the identification of themes common to all the major theories and the tracing of their development from author to author proves to be a powerful tool; further, it is one which has the great advantage of transcending disciplinary boundaries in a way which is rarely possible with other techniques. The book begins with a critical survey of the work of Mead, Sullivan, Erikson, Jourard, Allport, Kelly, Rogers and Maslow, and so proceeds to role theories, which are seen as a crucial indicator of the relationship between sociology and psychology as professional disciplines. The results and lines of approach emerging from these first stages are applied to more sophisticated and radical theories such as those of Laing, Esterson, the object relations psychoanalysts, the structuralists and the Marxists in an attempt to lay the foundations of a trans-disciplinary theory of self and role in social context.
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