Scottish Texts and Calendars. An Analytical Guide to Serial Publications.

von Stevenson, David und Wendy B. Stevenson:

Stevenson, David und Wendy B. Stevenson:
Verlag / Jahr
London: Royal Historical Society / Edinburgh: Scottish History Society, 1987.
Format / Einband
Fadengehefteter Originalpappband. XII; 233 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein sehr gutes Exemplar. - Aus dem Nachlass von Michael Richter. - Bibliographie von Zeitschriften u.a. zur schottischen Geschichte / aus Schottland. - Abbotsford Club - Aberdeen University Studies - Association for Scottish Literary Studies - Aungervyle Society - Ayrshire and Wigtonshire (later Ayrshire and - Galloway) Archaeological Association Bannatyne Club Bute Scottish Record Series Clarendon Historical Society Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and - Antiquarian Society, Record Text Publications Glasgow University, Department of Scottish History, - Occasional Papers Grampian Club Hunterian Club Iona Club Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth, - Transactions Maitland Club New Club Roxburghe Club Rymour Club - St Andrews University Publications Scotish Literary Club Scottish Burgh Records Society Scottish Clergy Society Scottish Gaelic Texts Society Scottish History Society, First Series Scottish History Society, Second Series Scottish History Society, Third Series Scottish History Society, Fourth Series Scottish Local History Group Scottish Record Society, Old Series Scottish Record Society, New Series Scottish Text Society, Old Series Scottish Text Society, New Series - Scottish Text Society, Third Series - Scottish Text Society, Fourth Series - Society of Antiquaries of Scotland - Spalding Club - New Spalding Club - Third Spalding Club - Spottiswoode Society - Stair Society - Sutherland Association - Viking Society for Northern Research, Old Lore - Series Wodrow Society - Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, Inventories Scottish Record Office. ISBN 0861931114
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Scottish Texts and Calendars. An Analytical Guide to Serial Publications.

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