Structuralism or Criticism? Thoughts on how we read. Cambridge Paperback Library.

von Strickland, Geoffrey:

Strickland, Geoffrey:
Verlag / Jahr
Cambridge, London, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. 209 S.
ca. 550 g
Gebraucht, aber gut erhalten. - Geoffrey Strickland's book considers some of the principal Structuralist theories of the past twenty years, which derive from the 'semiology' or 'science of signs' postulated by the Swiss linguistician Saussure at the beginning of the century. The book falls into three parts. In the first, Mr Strickland argues that, in one essential, the structuralist enterprise was misconceived. In particular, he discusses the view held by the late Emile Benveniste that the systematic study of language is possible on the level of phonology but not of semantics. The second and most substantial part of the book is a defence of certain fundamental presuppositions in the act of reading. There is a discussion of the nature and accessibility of authorial intention, of the necessary fallibility in our understanding of what we read, of the objective aspect of evaluation and of the sense in which the student of literature is also a student of history. In the final section, the author summarises the arguments of the book with a detailed comparison of the writings of Roland Barthes and F.R. Leavis. Mr Strickland has produced a lively and provocative contribution to current literary debate, which is particularly original in the way it ranges widely over both French and English criticism and literary theory. (Verlagstext). ISBN 9780521276573
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Structuralism or Criticism? Thoughts on how we read.

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