Ladies, landscapes, and loyal retainers. Japanese art from a private collection.

von Rosenzweig, Daphne Lange and Hollis Koons McCullough:

Rosenzweig, Daphne Lange and Hollis Koons McCullough:
Verlag / Jahr
Savannah, Ga. : Telfair Museum of Art, 2000.
Format / Einband
Mit zahlr. farb. Abb. Originalbroschur. 71 S.
ca. 550 g
Ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar. - A remarkable collection of Japanese art, a collection rarely seen outside the home of its owner and her family. Much of the collection was formed in Kyoto during a two-year period of American occupation, 1948- 50. It was a time when the country was suffering from destruction and deprivation, and when an American woman, whose previous collecting experience was limited to first-edition books, found herself drawn to the beauty and elegance of Japanese art. With an instinctive eye for quality and with counsel from a Japanese dealer of impeccable taste and integrity, she selected major, often rare works, a majority of which are woodblock prints from the Edo Period, which flourished from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.
Unser Preis
EUR 12,90
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Ladies, landscapes, and loyal retainers.

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