CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER ‘Enshrined Arca of Brobdingnagian Regnant’ - NOW!


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What you are about to view is definitely THE MOST POWERFUL METAPHYSICAL Relic EVER to be offered in to the public domain!

The power this object possesses has the capability to CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!

The power within this object dates back since time began and has been a closely guarded secret to all but a select few

Just 1% of the entire population since humanity began has been privileged to witness the power this item beholds

World Leaders; Great Historical Figures and Gods and Goddesses have all used this power

Today, YOU have the chance to be one of the 1% - the select few – the World’s Elite!!



If you are frightened of becoming infinitely wealthy, with more cash than you could ever spend; having a relationship so perfect that it would resemble a Fairy tale; being so healthy and feeling so young that YOUR energy outstrips an athlete or living a life that YOU have only ever dreamed of – please do not read on


The labyrinth of tunnels and chambers beneath the county town of Hertford hold immense historic lost treasures brought back from the crusades by the Knight’s Templar. Within the booby-trapped caverns, the keepers of the Holy Grail and Ark of the Covenant still guard this extensive, ancient and mostly secret Templar heritage for hundreds of years.

At the heart of the maze of tunnels is Hertford Castle. Built with stones from Camelot, it was here, that four of six Templars were imprisoned following their arrest by King Edward II, who believed they were holding lost treasure. This fortune was never discovered until recently.

The world we live in has undoubtedly been and is still being, influenced by the clandestine power and authority of the Knight’s Templar and Illuminati. Many of our world leaders own artefacts that were once possessed by these ancient and established orders; and have used the powers within these to achieve their positions today. This auction will put you among the elite; possessing the same powers from the identical source that they have received theirs. This is a once in a lifetime chance to acquire the power of the selected few

This is your destiny

Throughout history, this power has been coveted for its omnipotence. It has been harnessed and held in secrecy in the Temple of Solomon alongside the sacred Ark of the Covenant and was viewed with equal reverence.

Still guarded by the Knights Templar, this secret power is regarded by our World Leaders, Leading Scientists, Illuminati, Knights Templar, Masons and the Elite as the ONLY way to achieve EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT

YOU are about to experience the GODLIKE POWER of the Crown Jewel of Djinn Trouvaillity -


Do YOU want YOU and your family living in YOUR DREAM HOME simply by asking a Djinn for your wish to be granted?

That's all YOU had to do!

Can you imagine how powerful that would be?


INSTANTLY change your life around and live as others who have used this secret power. People such as Shakespeare, Einstein, Plato, Royalty, Presidents, Prime Ministers...


Can you imagine YOUR life if that were possible?


What if you could have so much money, there was not enough hours in the day to spend it?

Can you imagine being able to go out and buying the house of your dreams, a million dollar mansion in the same neighbourhood as superstars and the rich and famous?




With the ‘Enshrined Arca of Brobdingnagian Regnant’


Willingly bound within this MIND-BLOWING vestige are 21 different Phylum of Majestic Sovereign Djinn, all with legions and armies of thousands of Djinn working under their command. Just imagine having Tens of Thousands of Djinn under YOUR command, willing to grant YOUR EVERY WISH FOR ETERNITY!!!


This phenomenally omnipotent pure ancient power has been used since time began. YOU can NOW be one of the Elite who are privy to this much sought after secret.

In fact, I am offering YOU this item at a risk to myself. I have been ‘asked’ not to present this power in any form to the public domain and have been told in no uncertain terms that ‘they know where I live’. However, it is my firm belief that this power NEEDS to be disclosed to the general public, why should it be kept a guarded secret so that the rich become richer and the poor become poorer?

This is my Destiny – to help those who need and deserve it

NOW achieve YOUR destiny and possess this power

I believe this is for YOU



This is serious – your life WILL change



The Djinn within the ‘ ‘ENSHRINED ARCA OF BROBDINGNAGIAN REGNANT’’ are the key to allowing YOU to IMMEDIATELY unlock the LIMITS of obscure UNIVERSAL POWER and WISDOM enriching your life with things that you could have only ever imagined in your dreams!

These are undeniably to be THE MOST POWERFUL Djinn YOU will have EVER ENCOUNTERED in YOUR life!


As the Master of the Sacred Djinn of Universal Power, YOU will receive the powers of:


Millionaire status– no longer will you have the stress of debts, credit card bills, mortgages; YOU will be given the freedom to buy whatever YOU like, whenever YOU like. Imagine being behind the wheel of that $100,000 car, looks of envy from other drivers; visualise just taking off on a spontaneous vacation to wherever YOU wish to go; helping YOUR family and friends with much needed cash.


Fairy Tale Relationship – YOU can NOW live each day with the partner of YOUR dreams sharing LOVE, JOY and HAPPINESS in abundance.


Perfect Health and Eternal Youth – NOW YOU can be at the peak of YOUR health and fitness, feeling younger and more energised than ever before.


Tap into an infinite pool of Universal Power perpetually



YOU are about to receive the secret that EVERYONE should be given the opportunity to receive – not just the Elite.


YOU Can NOW Achieve Absolutely ANY GOAL, WISH or DESIRE



YOU will instantly be on the pathway of YOUR NEW AND PERFECT LIFE


Actually I lie...

As soon as YOU have clicked the BUY IT NOW button, YOU will be instantly on your way to your very own Paradisical Life!

This AMAZING and beautiful vessel that houses these OMNIPOTENT Regal Djinn is befitting of such ALMIGHTY POWER. .


and has been coveted by Pharaohs, Kings and Leaders throughout history.



*This Item is for Entertainment Purposes Only*

You MUST be OVER 18 to purchase or bid on this Item

Baphometdawn Promises You...

Authentic Artefacts from some of England’s most revered and sacred ancient sites


Genuine Relics from the Covert Thaumaturger Sect of the Ancient Solomon Order of the Knights Templar based here in my home-town of Hertford, England


True Artefacts blessed at the sacred site of Camelot, which is just 7 miles from Hertford. This is the ONLY place in UKs history to be named Camelot and Camelot Moat is still as legendary today as it was in Arthurian times


Honest and trustworthy knowledge and wisdom from 100s of years’ experience accumulated by a host of Experts in all Metaphysical Practices


All of your items are sent specially gift wrapped and most items Internationally Tracked Worldwide with Free Shipping (Any order under the value of $75.00 will be sent Standard Airmail unless otherwise stated)


A complete After Sales Service that suits your needs, ranging from small to Life-changing enquiries. Help is always available, even for items purchased from other Metaphysical Sellers


An Extraordinary Investment for your Future





Just to let you know I carried out the ritual last night, energy orbs everywhere from the powers imbued upon the ring by the Blood Moon XIII coven members and a powerful manifestation of <name of spirit witheld>.

 When i carry out the evocation in future i will do so to honour what has been shared with me.



 Hi,Got him yesterday and wow he is starting to make his prescence known already...Last night I heard a loud scratching sound comming from the room where he is with my other dolls and he was turned a different way that I had put him...I also saw the black spots on his face were in fact red and his eyes seemed to be staring right through me with an evil glare..This is the first time a spirit has shown it self so quickly after it arrived...He is a bit scary and will take some getting used to now I can hardly wait to get the vase...please let me know when it will ship...Your items are truly for real...




 You said you wanted to know about my experience with the necklace. I hold it in my hand today and I feel my aura reaching out, it's like expanding calling out to others! The evokation last night was powerful. I feel the necklace is calling out to others. I put my intention in it and it calls out to others i feel. I lovethe necklace! I will cherish it always



 hey, i had my first astral shift! and then today im sitting and my shoulder muscles popped and i felt cold like little hairs were growing. I am gettiny WAY stronger i beat my dad arm wrestling 5 times, and im a girl and hes really strong!




I received the item yesterday, and I wore it last night in bed. I was given a 'sample' of its 'abilities' or 'power' in my dream. I was conscious in my dream. Although it wasn't frightening, I was a little afraid to open my eyes. The ring on my finger was shaking and there was a presence in my room that I can't explain. I remember part of my dream when I put my finger with the ring on on top of the 'tablet', the ring kind of 'awakens' then it starts to shake and to lift my arm up in the air again. After a few repeats, I was more calm, and I just let it do what it does. I can't really judge exactly how long this lasted, but it was a good hour or so.

I don't really know what will happen next or what's in store for me. But I'm excited.




 I want to give you an update with the summoning of <name of spirit witheld>. It has been a most interesting and awakening journey for me. I had all sorts of expectations (and a few fears) about taking this on. It has been a most positive and enlightening experience for me.

 I did the greeting and made my requests. I could feel him studying me with a strong sense of curiosity. The encounter was a positive experience. There was no fear. In fact, the experience was identical to the contact that I have had with other spirit entities. This surprised me. I guess i expected the bowels of Hell to open up and spew forth fire and brimstone! What a mind-job religion has done on us! As I did the dismissal, I could see <name of spirit witheld> in my mind's eye. He turned and looked at me, and as he departed, gave me a small smile and said "That's a very Baroque summoning for an Aquarius!" I actually laughed out loud!

 I want to thank you and your coven again for bringing me this opportunity. Please accept my wishes for all the best for you and your group.



 the Templar Ring alone is magnificent, there are many souls that will not ever come to own such a piece.


the energies that emanate from this ring are really beautiful, my whole chakra system is just buzzing, they are really wonderful Djinn, just checking me out tonight as Djinn do but they really like the incense i work with and cleansing/supercharging before carrying out the circle of protection and conjuration made all the difference, lots of visual imagery in my third eye too :)


Amazing ring, felt the presence of my new friends all around the vibrations of the ring in my hand really fired up my hand chakra/chakras, very hot, like anything practice makes perfect but i loved the rite/conjuration, just need a little practice with the names but intention makes all the difference :)


Great to see you back! It is wonderful that you are able to make available your fabulous items. Thank you.




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Shipped within 3 working days

Any order under the value of $75.00 will be sent Standard Airmail unless otherwise stated

You must be 18 years old or over to bid on this item, as per Ebay rules this item is listed for 'Entertainment Purposes Only' and I can not be held responsible for the misuse of this item or be liable for the level of paranormal activity that may or may not occur with this item. All sales are final and I can not be held responsible for the package once it leaves my possession

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