LOVARE TEA With Pieces Of Fruit And Flower Petals 10 Flavors On Choose 80g

Price for 1 pack of tea 80g

Shipping costs to USA/EU/Canada:
1 pack of tea - $8
2 packs of tea - $14
3-5 packs of tea - $20
5-9 packs of tea - $26

1001 Night 80g Ceylon black tea OP1, Chinese green tea Sencha, apple pieces, orchid petals, cornflower, safflower and Chinese rose. Natural “Grape” flavor.

Champagne Splashes 80g - Ceylon black tea OP1, Chinese green tea Sencha, strawberry pieces, cornflower petals. Natural strawberry flavoring.

Wild Berry 80g - Black Ceylon loose leaf tea with berries of cherry, rowan, hawthorn, rosehip, elderberry, black currant, flower petals and the aroma of wild berries.

Strawberry Marshmallow 80g - Chinese green tea, strawberry pieces, cornflower petals. Natural strawberry flavoring.

Passion Fruit 80g - Ceylon long leaf black tea, orange zest, peach and pineapple pieces, Chinese rose buds, calendula and safflower petals, natural “Peach” flavor.

Alpine Herbs 80g - A mixture of herbal, floral and fruit tea - lemon grass, chamomile flowers, rose hips, orange zest, mint and blackberry leaves, apple pieces, orange flowers, echinacea herb, safflower and cornflower petals.

Royal Dessert 80g -Sudanese hibiscus rose petals, cherry, pineapple and rosehip pieces, orange zest, Chinese rose and calendula petals, cinnamon pieces and cloves. Natural flavoring "Cherry".

Clepatra`s Night 80g - Chinese green tea Gun powder, pieces of pineapple and apples, rose petals, cornflower and safflower, Chinese rose buds, goji berries. Natural Raspberry flavor.

Berry Jam 80g - hibiscus petals, blackcurrant berries, elderberries, raspberries, pieces of rose hips and strawberries, cornflower petals. Natural flavors "Cherry", "Raspberry", "Currant".

Bahamian Soursop 80g - Chinese green tea Gun powder, sour cream pieces, orange flower petals. Natural flavoring "Sousep".

Dear buyers, we are working now and we ship worldwide.Shipping : Europe/United States 20-25 days . Canada 25-30 days. 

If you want to buy this product from the countries below, please contact me, as the shipping cost will be higher than indicated: ( AUSTRALIA, VIETNAM, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, INDIA, INDONESIA, CURACAO, MALAYSIA, MEXICO, NEW ZEALAND, SOUTH AFRICA, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, CHILE.)