Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks Alba Grade Cinnamon, Ceylon Cinnamon  Powder 100% Natural, 100% Organic Cinnamon Sticks and Powder. Pure High Quality Product.

Contains no Preservatives this Product.

There are more than 125 sticks for 1 kg. 

Ingredients: 100% Alba Ceylon Cinnamon Sticks.

Cinnamon powder 200g Bottles.

Ceylon cinnamon is produced from the inner bark of the trunk of the cinnamon tree grown organic in Sri Lanka. The harvested bark is made into sticks and the dried bark into powder. Also used in hot drinks, curries and slow-cooked stews, apple cider or mulled red wine, slow-cooked stews, braised short ribs, Indian curries, Vietnamese noodles, soups, applesauce and cinnamon rolls. Ceylon cinnamon is slightly spicy and sweet, with a pleasant rich aroma.

Health Benefit: Reduces Blood Sugar Levels, Lowers the Risk of Heart Diseases, Helps to Lose Weight, Helps Proper Brain Functioning, For oral health.

Storage: Reseal bag after opening. Store in a cool, dry place.

Ingredients: Organic Ceylon Cinnamon.