About This Item
This product is a network card adapter for the PS2 game console that can convert the original IDE interface into a SATA interface, allowing for compatibility with more hard drives and faster read and
write speeds.

* Upgraded Compatibility: This adapter can replace the original IDE interface of the PS2 network card with a SATA interface,making it compatible with 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch SATA network cards and enabling an upgrade of the PS2 hard drive.

* Network Functionality: The adapter retains the original network card's network interface functionality, allowing for online gaming and other operations.

* Reduced Loading Time: After replacing the IDE interface with a SATA interface, the adapter can significantly reduce game loading times, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

* Detailed Installation Instructions: The product comes with detailed installation instructions to help users install and use the adapter with ease.
Products Description

Note: The seller was an international Canada student but now has back to China. All items will be sent from China, please don't buy if you mind about it. The shipping is around 10 days. ( please don't refer ebay logistics shipping displayed, I tried to go to change the logistics method to China but couldn't save it successfully, maybe there is something wrong with the template i set up, I couldn't change it successfully, thank you for reading!