Original design backgammon cube made of wood.

 - Size: Each side measures 36mm. Suitable for a tournament-sized L-board.
 - Weight: 36-40 grams. Appropriate weight suitable for the importance of cube action decisions.
 - Material: Wood, Acrylic paint, Varnish. Clay inside for adding weight.
 - Manufacturing method: Numbers and patterns are cut out from wooden boards using a laser cutter, then carved according to the design. Afterwards, they are colored with acrylic paint, coated with varnish, and finished. Clay is placed inside the cube to give it the appropriate weight. The production time, excluding drying and other waiting times, is approximately 1.5 to 3 hours per piece in actual working time.

Enhance your backgammon game experience with this wooden doubling cube.
It adds an aesthetic touch to the game, and also this cube is an ideal gift for backgammon lovers.

We kindly invite you to visit our "about" page of the store where you can watch the video showcasing the process of crafting our cubes!
