This is an Original (not cheap import copy) Afghanistan ELITE PROFESSIONAL NINJA NETWORK DAESH BASHER USAFSOC SP OPS JOINT TASK FORCE CCT TACP vêlkrö PATCH: MAROON DEVIL GIRL. You find only US Made items here, with the same LIFETIME warranty. You will receive the item two patches as shown in the first photo. Personal checks are welcomed.

TACP is a Tactical Air Control Party. It is comprised of a JTAC (Joint Terminal Air Controller) and a ROMAD (essentially a JTAC in training, though the reality is ROMADs are frequently seasoned operators in their own right, having completed lengthy and arduous blocks of training and lacking only the final JTAC certification). JTACs direct the action of combat aircraft operating in CAS (Close Air Support) and other offensive operations, calling in airstrikes and gun runs like an FO or an ANGLICO Marine calls in artillery or naval gunfire. The NATO is Forward Air Controller. A typical TACP (JTAC or ROMAD or both) might be on an infantry patrol one day to coordinate immediate CAS and attached to an ODA the next day for the same reason.

Calling in an air strike on just the right target at just the right time can change the tide of battle. Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Specialists imbed with Army and Marine units and do just that. One of the few true frontline combat jobs in the Air Force, TACP Specialists are known for their ability to bring overwhelming firepower to the battlefield in the form of artillery and air strikes. The training is physically, mentally and technically intense, as you'll have to be able to operate under any environmental condition alongside some of the military's most elite special operations teams.

USAF TACP, is usually a team of two or more United States Air Force enlisted TACP journeymen or craftsmen (AFSC 1C4X1) aligned with a conventional or special operational United States Army combat maneuver unit to advise ground commanders on the best use of air power, establish and maintain command and control communications, and provide precision terminal attack guidance of U.S. and coalition fixed-wing and rotary-wing close air support aircraft, artillery, and naval gunfire. A TACP always includes at least one Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) qualified to control attack aircraft. It can also include an Air Liaison Officer (ALO), an Air Force commissioned officer who is typically aeronautically rated as a pilot or navigator/combat systems officer in fighter or attack aircraft who is often JTAC qualified and serves in a senior advisor capacity. A small number of non-rated officers, typically with special tactics backgrounds, have also been qualified as ALOs. JTAC teams are primarily stationed with and support Army combat units. 

In the United Kingdom Armed Forces TACP personnel may come from the Royal Marines, Army or RAF Regiment[3] Every TACP has four members, one officer and one SNCO who are trained Forward Air Controllers. Two signallers (JNCOs) who are responsible for communication equipment and assist in tasking aircraft to FACs in forward positions. The FAC's role is to guide attack aircraft and fast jets to the correct target by providing descriptions and locations to the pilots via a range of telecommunications equipment. Prince Harry, the third in line to the British throne, served as a TACP commander in Afghanistan. FACs and TACPs in the United Kingdom are trained at the Joint Forward Air Controller Training Standards Unit (JFACTSU)  

Commando units and formations are part of the Afghan National Army and were formed from existing Infantry battalions. The program was established in early 2007 with the intent of taking one conventional battalion from each of the ANA corps, giving them special training and equipment and reorganizing based on a United States Army Rangers battalion. Each battalion is assigned to one of the seven military corps. The training is conducted at the Morehead Commando Training Center, a former Taliban training compound located six miles south of Kabul, Afghanistan. The training center is named after 5th Special Forces Group soldier MSG Kevin Morehead, who was killed in Iraq in September 2003. The training of supply, logistics and operations has been conducted by mentors from Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan, United States Army Special Forces, French Special Forces, ANA cadre and Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI). The 12 week program has three concurrent training sections for the entire course. The primary and bulk of the training is geared for the Infantry line companies with a focus on individual skills and small unit tactics. To support the line companies, the Headquarters and Headquarters Company receives special training in specific skills such as mortars, medical care, and communications. The third section focuses on the Battalion staff, their core areas of responsibility and function as the Command and Control (C2). Upon graduation, each Commando Battalion returns to its designated Corps area along with an embedded Special Forces A-Team and begins using an 18 week training cycle that breaks down to six weeks each of train-up, missions and recovery. Of the five active duty Special Forces Groups, 3rd Group and 7th Group have been rotating responsibility as the main effort for continued training and advising in the Afghanistan theater.

The Afghan National Army Special Forces (ANASF) falls under the command of the Afghan National Army Special Operations Command (ANASOC) which is part of the Ministry of Defense (MoD). Plans for the development of the ANA Special Forces were first formulated in 2009.  The beginnings of the ANASF took place in 2010 with the first element finishing their training in May 2010. 
CJSOTF-A.  The Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force - Afghanistan was been the primary trainer of the Afghan National Army Special Forces.  At first, the CJSOTF-A was training the Afghan Army Commandos; but later decided to develop an Afghan Special Forces unit as well. The CJSOTF-A has since been replaced with a SOTF due to the drawdown of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

The Red Beret is a military beret worn by many military police, paramilitary, commando, and police forces and should not be confused with the maroon beret worn by airborne troops all around the world .Red berets are worn by the military police of many NATO and Commonwealth of Nations militaries.


  • Special Forces Command (Cambodia) – The Royal Cambodian Special Commando Force
  • Angolan Armed Forces Commandos – guerrilla and counter-guerrilla special operations force
  • Kopassus – Indonesian Army Special Forces Commandos
  • KOPASKA – Indonesian Special Naval Frogmen Command
  • Mozambique Special Forces (Commandos) – guerrilla and counter-guerrilla special operations force
  • Portuguese Army Commandos – guerrilla and counter-guerrilla special operations force
  • Special Brigade – Serbian Special Forces
  • Lebanese Commando Regiment – Lebanese special forces regiment tasked with multiple roles
  • Special Task and Rescue – Malaysian coast guard counter-terrorist special operations force
  • Commando Parachute Group – French Commando Parachute Regiment
  • Sri Lanka Army Commando Regiment – One of two Special Operations Forces of the Sri Lanka Army.
  • 43rd Airborne Regiment – Airborne infantry regiment of the commando type of the Army of the Czech Republic
  • 601st Special Forces Group – The most elite unit of the Czech army
  • Commandos - Commando unit of the Singapore Army


  • Military Police (Russia) - Russian Federation
  • Royal Military Police – Provost branch of the British Army
  • Royal Australian Corps of Military Police
  • Corps of Military Police – India
  • Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police
  • Canadian Forces Military Police
  • MH Katonai Rendészeti Központ (MH KRK) - Hungarian Defence Forces Military Police Center
  • Feldjäger – Military Police of the German Bundeswehr
  • Royal Military Police – Malaysian Military Police
  • Póilíní Airm – Irish Military Police Corps (Ireland)
  • Danish Military Police
  • Military Police – Kuwait Army
  • Namibian Defence Force Military Police
  • Royal Military Police – Jordan Armed Forces
  • Sõjaväepolitsei - Estonian Defence Forces[1]
  • Militārā policija - Latvian National Armed Forces
  • Karo policija - Lithuanian Armed Forces
  • Military Police - United Arab Emirates Army
  • Military Police - Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF)

A Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) is a unit introduced by the United States government, consisting of military officers, diplomats, and reconstruction subject matter experts, working to support reconstruction efforts in unstable states. PRTs were first established in Afghanistan in early 2002, and as of 2008 operate there as well as in Iraq. While the concepts are similar, PRTs in Afghanistan and Iraq have separate compositions and missions. Their common purpose, however, is to empower local governments to govern their constituents more effectively. Camp Nathan Smith was a former Canadian and later American military base in Kandahar City, Afghanistan. Originally, it was an abandoned fruit factory. In November 2003, the site was reconstructed by US Army soldiers of Charlie Battery, 3rd Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Regiment from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The camp was turned over to the Canadian Army in 2005 and named for Private Nathan Smith of the 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry. Smith was killed in the Tarnak Farm friendly fire incident. In July 2010, the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division (United States), took command of Camp Nathan Smith. On June 19, 2011 a Transfer of Authority Ceremony took place on Camp Nathan Smith signifying the end of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division’s deployment and the beginning of its sister brigade 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division’s partnership with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Afghanistan National Security Forces. On October 27, 2011, a coordinated attack from insurgents within the city occurred at Camp Nathan Smith (CNS). Although one interpreter was killed and eight ISAF soldiers were wounded, the attack was deemed unsuccessful. Camp Nathan Smith was located in the heart of Kandahar City, north of Highway 1 and south of the Canal. Its location in the heart of Kandahar City allowed ISAF forces to quickly respond to enemy attacks during the early years of the Afghan war. As Kandahar City became more peaceful its purpose changed to a place for meetings to discuss city governance, developmental projects, and to train Afghan police officers. There was a small Post Exchange, a local bazaar, an aid station, a gym, a swimming pool and two dining facilities at Camp Nathan Smith. One of the dining facilities is named after Army SSG Sheldon Tate. Tate died July 13, 2010, while repelling an insurgent attack on an Afghan police compound in Kandahar City. On July 31, 2013 Camp Nathan Smith was transferred to the Afghan Uniform Police by the US Army ( 1 Armored, 1st Brigade Combat Team). The Afghan Uniform Police already had a quick reaction force at the camp, and it intends to move two more police companies there. The Afghans also plan on developing a school for women at the camp. Basic infrastructure was left behind, including generators and a working fuel point..

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