Ghost Hunter Starter Kit

Includes: Now w/soft carrying case to hold all the included equipment!

* Full Spectrum 4K Camera

* Hand Held Mount  (folds out to mini tripod to set it down)

* Night Vision Infrared Light (rechargeable & adjustable brightness)

* Frame Case (holds camera & attaches it to mount)

* 2 camera batteries w/charger & mounting accessories

* 4 Motion Balls (light up when manipulated by spirits)

* Laser Temperature Gun

     In the paranormal field it is believed that spirits can be better seen in the light spectrums of infrared & ultraviolet. The human eye can't see these light spectrums but this camera can. This is the ultimate night vision type camera for ghost hunting. This camera also records video & takes photos in crystal clear 4K resolution! With our high quality 4K full spectrum camera you will be able to capture incredible paranormal evidence on your investigations & have crystal clear video & photos to show in your ghost hunting videos!

     Take amazing full spectrum videos & photos during your paranormal investigations! Very lightweight to carry around all night while ghost hunting! Ultra wide angle lens makes it easy to capture the whole scene & image stabilization keeps your videos steady while you walk around the location. The included app allows you to monitor the video feed from your phone. The motion detection features lets you leave the camera to monitor an area & It will activate when it senses motion. You can put up to 128 GB microSD card in the camera to take hours of video. The camera can also be plugged in to a battery pack to record while charging to lengthen your record times by hours. This is the ultimate camera for any paranormal investigator & we are selling it at an absolutely unbeatable price!

      Also there are tons of different ways to mount this camera on your body, car, backpack, & mounts available to buy that are very inexpensive!

(While inside the waterproof case the cameras ability to record audio is limited due to the sealed enclosure. We recommend adding the Frame Case Variation that we offer because it allows you to use the camera mounted without a waterproof enclosure leaving the microphone of the camera fully exposed & able to capture better audio.)

     This incredible set is great for anyone that is just starting out investigating the paranormal or for anyone looking to add these great pieces of equipment to their set up. The camera allows your to take 4K video or pictures in complete darkness.

     Pro EMF Meter w/digital & color readout - Reads magnetic & electric energy fields + ambient temperature. Meter has audible & visual spike alerts. Device can also keep track of average EMF reading and maximum reading during your sessions. Shows EMF readings for both magnetic & electric energy fields in numeric value, with a graph, & will tell you how dangerous the level is by saying good or bad! We are selling the same identical EMF meter as Ghost Stop for half the price they are!!! Coloring of digital readout screen changes to red when alerting of a spike and will begin beeping (audible alert can be shut off to not interfere with EVPs). Magnetic energy feels are closer to the natural energy fields given off by the Earth. Electric energy fields are more common with man-made sources of energy like appliances and electronics. By allowing you to separate between the two can help you determine whether something being detected is paranormal or not! This device can detect EMF levels up to 2000MG while most other meters only detect between 25 and 200MG of EMF.

     Ghost Hunting Laser Thermal Gun

     Accurately spot check an area for hot or cold spots bu pressing the trigger. You can also scan an entire area for temperature anomalies by holding the trigger down. By using the max temperature button the device will also record the maximum temperature measured during this scan. Device has a laser targeting site so you know exactly where in the area you're in that you are scanning for a temperature reading. Paranormal Investigators have a theory that spirits pull thermal energy out of the atmosphere and use it to interact with us. The result is unatural cold spots within haunted locations. In our experience negative entities often cause hot spots within haunted locations as well. With the Ghost Hunting Laser Thermal Gun you'll be able to scientifically document these spots that are often felt during our paranormal investigations.

     The motion balls are easy for spirits to use & another great way for spirits to make themselves known or answer clothed ended questions. This is an unbeatable deal for these amazing pieces of equipment. All of the equipment is high quality &  proven to be effective tools for paranormal investigators all over the world.