Product Description

1 Personalize Your App 2 Track Your Data 3 More than Posture

What is the difference between training and tracking modes?

TRAINING MODE actively tracks your posture and sends a gentle vibration when you slouch reminding you to correct your posture. TRACKING MODE actively tracks your posture, but your device will not vibrate or send you any alerts.

My device is blinking red – what does it mean?

Blinking red indicates that you need to charge your device.

Why doesn’t my UPRIGHT GO vibrate right away when I slouch?

It might have something to do with the Trainer you selected in the app. We recommend switching to a different Trainer, e.g., the Stationary Trainer, and seeing if that works better for you.

Can UPRIGHT GO devices be used to help with spinal conditions such as scoliosis?

Our devices do not cure spinal conditions, however they do help strengthen back and core muscles and enable you to build healthy posture habits. If you suffer from a medical condition, please consult with your physician before training with it.