Sax ROHMER. SUR LA PISTE DE FU MANCHU. Edition Gallimard NRF Collection Detective deuxieme serie # 10, sans date (1938), broche, Format 11.5*18 cm, 252 pages. COUVERTURE ILLUSTREE par Roger PARRY . coiffes et coins des plats un peu touches, plissures et creux tranche dorsale (voir scan), autrement COMPLET, ASSEZ BON ETAT, Bonne Apparence

Traduit de l'americain par Ram Sew (The trail of Fu Manchu - 1934)

Je n'ai pas trouve de resume en francais :

Murder, madness and mystery as a girl is turned into a living statue ! 

Fu-Manchu is trapped, cornered in London and cut-off from his resources, including the elixir vitae that grants him eternal life. But under the Thames, the devil doctor practices the dark art of sorcery, and it will be up to Nayland Smith and Scotland Yard to stop him. But Fu-Manchu may possess the key to victory, when he kidnaps Dr. Petrie s daughter, Fleurette !

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