Experience the pinnacle of sophistication with this designer womens bag. Impeccably designed and expertly constructed, this accessory is a symbol of refined taste, adding a touch of luxury to every look. Certified by The Luxury Closet - This item has gone through a detailed authentication process overseen by our experts. We offer a lifetime guarantee of authenticity on all our items.
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Miu Miu Silver/Black Sequins and Leather Tote


Experience the pinnacle of sophistication with this designer womens bag. Impeccably designed and expertly constructed, this accessory is a symbol of refined taste, adding a touch of luxury to every look.

Product Details

Color Silver
Dimensions Height: 29 cm, Width: 13 cm, Length: 40 cm
Material Leather, Sequins
Certified by The Luxury Closet

This item has gone through a detailed authentication process overseen by our experts. We offer a lifetime guarantee of authenticity on all our items.