"THE VIRTUES OF CHRISTIANITY, OR COLLECTION OF SUBLIME TRAITS OF GENEROSITY -  Captivity of the Sovereign Pontiff Pius VII in France and his Return in Rome"

This book of 1826 captures the essence of Christian virtues through a compilation of inspiring anecdotes and narratives. Within this volume, the focus centers on the captivity of Pope Pius VII in France and his subsequent return to Rome. This work likely presents a narrative of the Pope's resilience, courage, and faith during his captivity, emphasizing the Christian virtues of forgiveness, endurance, and steadfastness in the face of adversity. Through these stories, the author likely seeks to illustrate the transformative power of Christian principles and the exemplary conduct of spiritual leaders, aiming to inspire readers towards a deeper understanding and practice of Christian virtues in their own lives.

Published: 1826

Pages: 582

Size: 7" x 4" x 1"


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