This book, published in 1737, as Volume II, is a religious text that belongs to a tradition of scriptural exegesis popular in the 18th century. This volume would serve as a companion piece to the liturgical readings from the Epistles and Gospels—letters and accounts of Christ's life and teachings, respectively, as found in the New Testament. The format of "Demandes et Réponses," or questions and answers, suggests a catechistic approach to education, where a teacher would pose questions to elicit and reinforce learning in students or parishioners. Given its date and context, the book would contain explanations of scripture meant to clarify the theological and moral lessons inherent in biblical texts for the faithful. The inclusion of both Epistles and Gospels indicates a comprehensive guide for understanding the weekly readings that would be proclaimed during the Mass, reflecting the Catholic Church's pedagogical methods of the time for instilling doctrine and piety. As the second tome, it would potentially cover the latter half of the liturgical year's readings, offering insight into the deeper meanings of the scriptures for each Sunday and holy day.

Pages: 590

Size: 6.6" x 4" x 1.4"


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