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Limitiertes Variant/Special
Knickfest und sicher verpackt!
Sprache: Englisch
Zustand: Neu
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Informationen zum Artikel




Voraussichtliches Erscheinungsdatum:


Künstler / Artists:

Sniegoski, Tom / Lau, Jothan / Cosplay,


Having fulfilled her role of in Vengeance, Vampirella is now posed to Strike in an all-new series arising from the post-apocalyptic ashes of Dynamite's Vengeance of Vampirella! It has been fifteen years since the death of Mistress Nyx and the world in slowly recovering, but this isn't a world that we've ever seen before. This is a world where the natural, and the supernatural have merged to create a dangerous new place - a world very much in need of Vampirella. The streets of Sepulcher can be dangerous, but nowhere are they more so than the neighborhoods of the Menagerie. Nowhere else will you find a more wretched assembly of the criminal and monsters - but a new kind of evil stalks the shadow shrouded boulevards and alleyways, putting fear into the hearts of all who reside there. A killer has come to the Menagerie, and it is up to Vampirella to stop the death before the streets flow red with blood. Enter the world of Vampirella Strikes with amazing covers by returning superstars Lucio Parillo, Stephen Segovia, Jonathan Lau, Junggeun Yoon, and a stunning cosplay cover featuring Rachel Hollon as Vampirella!