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Knickfest und sicher verpackt!
Sprache: Englisch
Zustand: Neu
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Informationen zum Artikel


Voraussichtliches Erscheinungsdatum:


Künstler / Artists:

Spurrier, Si / Garbett, Lee / Daniel, Tony


THE DEVIL'S HORNS MEET THEIR MATCH! The Rhino's on a rampage again - with a different Spidey suit in his sights! Desperate to apprehend the black-clad BAMFer, Orchis is pulling out all the stops. If the Rhino can't put Kurt Wagner down, surely Silver Sable and her team of elite mercenaries can? But Kurt isn't just a lawbreaker in the traditional sense…he's a criminal flirt too. Can Nightcrawler sweet-talk his way outta this one, or is it lights out for our favorite devil? Rated T+