PLEASE read this listing and ask questions BEFORE buying. Don't read into something that isn't in the description and Assume what is not described.

2-DVD set Silent classic 1921 film "The Shiek" and 1926 "Son of the Shiek" Offering with music background. Restored original Color Tinted. Comes Brand New Sealed in a Slim 9mm Plastic DVD Case.


Sheik Ahmed (Valentino) desperately desires fiesty British socialite Diana (Ayres), so he abducts her and carries her off to his luxurious desert tent-palace. The free-spirited Diana recoils from his passionate embraces and yearns to be released. Only after being kidnapped by desert bandits does Diana realize how much she has grown to love Ahmed, who comes to her rescue in the nick of time.


Men and women, fathers and children. Ahmed, son of Diana and Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan, falls in love with Yasmin, a dancing girl who fronts her father's gang of mountebanks. Among the cutthroats is Ghobah, a villainous Moor to whom Yasmin is promised. In ruins near Touggourt, the city where Yasmin dances, she and Ahmed meet secretly until one night when her father and the gang capture the son of the sheik, torture him, and hold him for ransom. Will Ahmed believe that Yasmin set him up for capture? Even if true love finds a way through webs of deceit, what will the vigorous and imposing sheik say about his son consorting with a dancing girl?

This is NOT a studio release.....But is very nice quality, so please understand this before buying. 

This film is listed as being in the Public Domain.