EDeN GaNicz ShoPPe 
Is announcing The GraND BeginniNg of offerings in this year of 2024
Three ov NiNe LeMoN TREEs are BeiNg OffereD,
The trees are the actuaL, ReaL, PLased by the HaNDs of GoD LemoN Trees into math and life of our world.
GoD SaiD LooKing onto Time "of aLL Thy Labors uNattainable, Thy LemoNs mitent Never be impossible"

These wonders joined life within 2024.

The Tree wiLL be PersoNally DeLivered to any Location GLobally, as these trees exist of sacred spase plane geometries and renderings of the highest faiths.  'The Trees approach Less than twelve inches heiT toward the earliest obtainmind domainĂ©.'

Any further details EdeN GaNicz is Pleased to restrict from any or all forms of media to best protect the catalogue of request, as any completion to achieve faithful custody of this living variety is ( to be parsled amidst the most divine graciousness of the gLobe.

40 persent $ of Trees oNe aND Two are getting DrecteD To corrective globaL Surjery