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Feel free to send us a message with any queries you might have, and all the product details you need are below! :)

WHITE ROCK SALT - White Salt is perfect for areas where aesthetics matter, blending seamlessly with snowy surroundings for residential driveways, walkways and upscale commercial properties leaving less residue than brown salt.

HIGH GRADE - Our salt represents the pinnacle of de-icing solutions available in the UK. Its superior quality makes it the ideal choice for efficiently combatting icy conditions. Furthermore, our de-icing salt is the preferred selection for use with spreading equipment due to its dry and free-flowing nature. This characteristic ensures effortless movement through spreaders, simplifying the de-icing process and providing effective results.

EXCEPTIONAL ICE AND SNOW REMOVAL - Our high-grade rock salt excels at swiftly melting ice and snow while enhancing traction on multiple surfaces. Whether it's clearing roads for safe travel or ensuring secure pathways and parking areas, it fosters safer conditions during icy spells.

LANDSCAPING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE - This high grade rock salt is the go-to for landscapers and homeowners to maintain the beauty and accessibility of outdoor spaces, even during harsh winters. It safeguards gardens, pathways, and aesthetics, ensuring functionality and visual appeal in winter. Homeowners benefit from its ability to maintain residential grounds' accessibility and attractiveness in adverse conditions, while also aiding in weed control for healthier outdoor spaces.

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS - Each bag of our Rock Salt comes in an large size, weighing approximately 10 kilograms. This substantial quantity ensures that you have an ample supply on hand to tackle even the most demanding situations. It is rigorously tested and conforms to BS 3247 standards, ensuring that it meets the strictest quality and safety requirements. You can trust that this salt is non-toxic and will not harm the environment, making it a responsible choice for winter maintenance.