- Mavic Cosmic
- Gear Compatibility: Freewheel   
- Rear Spacing: 130 mm
- Number of spokes: 16  
- Flange Size: Low Flange  
- Axle Material: Steel Shell
- Material: Aluminum

Dura Ace CS-7700 8 speed freewheel (13-26T)

Schwalbe Lugano tires 

In case you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.


Only for you: You cannot buy this product every day. That is why today is the best time to make an ideal choice. If you got here, it means you found what you were looking for. Don't waste any more time, buy what can be yours.

Remember!!! How do i know you can make a big deal today by buying this product? Simple. With the money received today on this product, I cannot buy the same product tomorrow.