Portulaca Pilosa – Australian Mini Moss Rose Seed x 25

This is an attractive ground cover that is heat and drought tolerant. Its low prostrate growth habit, makes it an excellent pathway / crevice plant, plus, with it’s pink or purple flowers, is very pretty. A plant in full flower is a showstopper. Suited to full sun.

It is an annual or short-lived perennial, but readily self-sows. So much so, that some think it a potentially invasive weed. I do not think this, as it prefers disturbed soils  -the kind of disturbance that goes in in urban areas, and not bushland. However, it was naturalized in Australia between 1870 and 1920, probably arrived with ship ballast at one or more coastal ports. It belongs to a group of Portulaca species found throughout the Americas that are commonly called "Moss Roses". I suggest, keep it for your garden, and if you see any escapees in the wild, just uproot and throw out.

Portulaca pilosa L. is one of the more commonly encountered Portulaca species in the northern and eastern parts of Australia, particularly during the summer months.

The plants often form solid mats of soft, green, tightly-packed foliage on the ground, giving the appearance of moss; hence the common name. it is ideally suited to garden paths, as when the bright green needle like foliage is stepped on, it just pops right back into place!

In the subtropics it is often found on dry coastal dunes and beaches above the high tide mark, as well as on road edges, footpaths and gravel driveways. In gardens it loves to invade the spaces between pavers or rocks.



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For most seeds (unless otherwise stated): Sow Spring - Lightly cover and keep moist until germination – best to do in the hot before a rain event. Grow seedling over the spring/summer in shade house with ideal conditions, then plant out autumn with occasional watering for the first 2 years.

Seeds are usually collected from tree/plant shown in photo, this one was growing in my garden near Mackay, QLD. Happy to answer any questions you may have.

My business mission: is to provide backyard owners with seed of Australian Native plants, in particular ornamental species, with aesthetic attributes, to create good vibes and a sense of peace.

And my seller promise; if you purchase from me, I will send it to you.

I use recycled packaging. And I make a note of sending more seeds than stated in page listing. Plus, I’m a definite advocate for ‘organics’ as much as possible, there are no pesticides at my place!