Beautiful chromolithographs absolutely stunning, printing, workmanship, and end result.. this process takes many stages of printing on the end. Result is gorgeous, detailed color chromo lithographs

Perfect for framing if you wanted to

I have researched the Internet for days and I cannot find these pictures anywhere past or present

The one at the toy shop shows the little girl is from the wealthy family, I can tell from her clothes, compared to the other to her, she’s giving a present to, they seem to be poor, and the little girl is going to go ahead and give her a present

Size of each piece is approximately 8 x 10“

Illustrated by Harriet M. Bennett,

A well known children’s artist of the late Victorian period

One if the pictures is actually signed HMB,

Please just look at the beautiful quality of the faces absolutely stunning workmanship. Some people say they have the similarity of a quality porcelain face.

Beautiful, Rosie cheeks, beautiful eyes and hair and features

High quality chromo lithographs just indicative of Raffael tuck publishing and the artist, Harriet M. Bennett

In England, they call a Doll, a dolly, so she’s either getting this is a present for a birthday or Christmas

she seems very very happy

I’m very sure these are very lucky children, and probably from a very well to do family, maybe even the children are from royalty

Absolutely beautiful, and the colours are absolutely stunning, the camera doesn’t catch the beauty of the colours,

Please note.. these chromolithograph were sometimes touched up actually by hand painting, to enhance the colours, and all of these are indicative of that.

I can’t really show in the pictures, but when moved in the light, one can tell the different beautiful enhanced colours, absolutely gorgeous lithographs

Just look at those beautiful cute little faces

And the dogs are just wonderful to, especially with the characters and their looks

As you can see edges are a little rough, but the actual pictures are in fantastic. Excellent condition

Very very rare, I’m offering for sale

Thanks for looking free shipping in a special protective mailer

I have tried to show the chromolithograph effect in a few other pictures at the end, some of the litho is enhanced in the printing process, which gives the whole picture of a small realistic affect, this is called chromo lithograpy and it’s very rare

Thanks for looking

Have a blessed day