The Last Dragonslayer 3. The Eye of Zoltar - Jasper Fforde

The Last Dragonslayer 3. The Eye of Zoltar Jasper Fforde

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Art Nr.: 1444707302
ISBN 13: 9781444707304
Release Year: 2015
Published by: Hodder And Stoughton Ltd.
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 195x129x27 mm
Pages: 401
Weight: 296 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Jasper Fforde


The 3rd in Fforde's fantasy young adult series, with his trademark magic and invention. The Mighty Shandar returns to the Ununited Kingdom, and vows to eliminate the dragons once and for all. But can he survive a perilous journey with a 50% Fatality Index Ages: 12+
Information of Author
Jasper Fforde