About Pedigree

Pedigree believes that dogs are good for others. Every day, their wonderful innocence brings out the good in their owners and others around them. The Pedigree complete range of tasty and wholesome dog food and rewarding dog treats delivers everything that is essential to support and fuel all dogs exuberant love of life.

About Pedigree Adult Wet Dog Food Pouches Mixed in Gravy Mega Pack 40 x 100g

Developed with the help of vets and nutritionists at Waltham Pet Nutrition Centre, Pedigree dog food pouches have all the essential nutrients to support optimal digestion, a healthy skin and coat, strong natural defences and healthy bones. 100% complete and balanced, Pedigree wet dog food is not only nutritious but also makes for highly enjoyable everyday dog pouch meals that will bring out their infectious enthusiasm. In its easy-to-open Pouch format, this wet food for dogs is perfect for a fresh healthy meal you can serve in one go.

40 x 100g Pedigree wet dog food pouches in gravy with chicken and vegetables, beef and vegetables, turkey and carrots and beef and lamb for adult dogs with no artificial colorants, flavours or preservatives. Wet dog food pouches in easy-to-open pouches, perfect for a fresh healthy meal, on its own or on top of dry dog food Nutrition for dogs that helps support healthy bones, good digestion, a healthy skin and coat and strong natural defences Dog food developed with our vets and nutritionists at Waltham Pet Nutrition Centre This wet dog food in gravy contains no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

10 x Chicken 10 x Beef and Liver Mix 10 x Turkey 10 x Beef and Lamb Mix.


Complete and balanced with 100% natural ingredients - Healthy nutrition for all your dog's need

Contains natural fibres - Keep your dog's insides healthy so they always feels their best

Vitamin E and selected minerals - To support your dog's natural defences

Developed with nutritionists and veterinarians - Expertly designed

Easy to open pouch format - Perfect for a fresh, healthy meal that you can serve in one go

Suitable for

Complete wet pet food for adult dogs 1+ years old.

Not suitable for

Not suitable for puppies under 12 months.

Approximate Dimensions

H15.9 x W39.0 x D14.7cm