JBL ProScape Volcano Mineral - 3 liters

JBL ProScape Volcano Mineral - 3 liters

  • Contents: 3 liters
  • Highly porous volcanic rock
  • Rich in valuable minerals and trace elements
  • Promotes the settlement of microorganisms by supplying oxygen in the soil
  • Ensures water circulation on the floor


At some point every aquarist comes to the point where they want more than just an aquarium with fish and plants. He may want to recreate an overwater landscape such as a mountain range with forests or a special habitat (biotope) in his aquarium.

The ProScaper is available in three different styles, such as plant scaping, which involves an imaginative arrangement of plants with or without decorative material under water.
AquaScaping involves recreating an above-water landscape in the aquarium - but underwater.
Biotop scaping, which is certainly the most difficult challenge, aims to recreate natural habitats - whether strictly according to biotope data or without regard to the exact origin of plants, animals or decorative materials.

JBL ProScape Soils

The special substrates (soils) often used by ProScapers have been specially adapted to the needs. Soils are not water-neutral like normal substrates (sand, gravel), but have a softening effect. They soften the water and acidify it slightly so that the pH value slips into the slightly acidic range.
The nutrient-loaded JBL Plant Soils immediately provide the plants with nutrients and minerals, while the Shrimp Soils are nutrient-free.

At some point every aquarist comes to the point where they want more than just an aquarium with fish and plants. He may want to recreate an overwater landscape such as a mountain range with forests or a special habitat (biotope) in his aquarium. The ProScaper is available in three different styles, such as plant scaping, which involves an imaginative arrangement of plants with or without decorative material under water. Biotop scaping, which is certainly the most difficult challenge, aims to recreate natural habitats - whether strictly according to biotope data or without regard to the exact origin of plants, animals or decorative materials. The special substrates (soils) often used by ProScapers have been specially adapted to the needs. Soils are not water-neutral like normal substrates (
At some point every aquarist comes to the point where they want more than just an aquarium with fish and plants. He may want to recreate an overwater landscape such as a mountain range with forests or a special habitat (biotope) in his aquarium. The ProScaper is available in three different styles, such as plant scaping, which involves an imaginative arrangement of plants with or without decorative material under water. Biotop scaping, which is certainly the most difficult challenge, aims to recreate natural habitats - whether strictly according to biotope data or without regard to the exact origin of plants, animals or decorative materials. The special substrates (soils) often used by ProScapers have been specially adapted to the needs. Soils are not water-neutral like normal substrates (
At some point every aquarist comes to the point where they want more than just an aquarium with fish and plants. He may want to recreate an overwater landscape such as a mountain range with forests or a special habitat (biotope) in his aquarium. The ProScaper is available in three different styles, such as plant scaping, which involves an imaginative arrangement of plants with or without decorative material under water. Biotop scaping, which is certainly the most difficult challenge, aims to recreate natural habitats - whether strictly according to biotope data or without regard to the exact origin of plants, animals or decorative materials. The special substrates (soils) often used by ProScapers have been specially adapted to the needs. Soils are not water-neutral like normal substrates (