Enhance your home with our meticulously crafted hand-woven rugs, expertly made by skilled artisans in India. These rugs are crafted from a luxurious blend of premium wool and jute (80% jute, 20% wool), offering both durability and a soft, inviting texture underfoot. With a thickness ranging from 3 to 4 millimeters, they're ideal for adding warmth and style to low- to medium-traffic areas like the living room, dining room, bedroom, home office, and even outdoor spaces.
Tailor-made to suit your unique preferences, our rugs are fully customizable in terms of design, color, and size. Whether you prefer bold patterns or subtle hues, we can create a rug that perfectly complements your decor style and fits your space effortlessly.
With over years of experience in the industry, we take pride in delivering exceptional quality and timeless designs. Our commitment to craftsmanship ensures that each rug is made with the utmost attention to detail, resulting in a product that adds elegance and sophistication to any room.
Maintaining the beauty of your rug is simple, requiring only regular vacuuming, rotation, and the occasional gentle shake. Explore our extensive collection of handmade rugs today and discover the perfect piece to elevate your home decor. Experience the unmatched quality and craftsmanship that sets our rugs apart.


  • Hand-woven by skilled Indian artisans using a blend of premium wool and jute (80% jute, 20% wool).
  • Durable construction and soft texture make it suitable for low- to medium-traffic areas.
  • Thickness ranges from 3 to 4 millimeters.
  • Customizable in terms of size.
  • Easy maintenance with regular vacuuming, rotation, and occasional shaking.
  • Combination of RED, BROWN AND OFF-WHITE.


5x8 ft-Kitchen Rug, Dining Room Rugs, Patio Decor Rug.

8x10-Handmade Area Rugs for Living Room, Bedroom, Bathroom

10x14-Block Printed Rugs for Bedroom, Living Room. Hallway, Floor Decorative Rug.

5 X 8 FEET

For smaller areas, we recommend a 5’ x 8’ or 6’ x 9’ rug. If you are placing the rug under a coffee table, make sure that it can accommodate all four legs of the table

Note 1 - There could be slight differences in the color due to monitor resolution. Although the photograph is taken by professional photographers full care has been taken to show the exact color of the product.

8 X 10 FEET

Larger rooms typically require a rug that is between 6’ x 9’ and 8’ x 10’. Place the front legs of your sofa on top of the rug or have all four legs rest on the rug

Note 2 - There could be additional amounts charged during the import of the item in the buyer's country as per rules and regulations and the import duty of the buyer's country. This would be borne by the customer.

10 X 14 FEET

To have furniture framed in the center of a large room, we recommend a 9’ x 12’ or larger rug. An equal amount of floor space (between 12” - 18”) should be left on all sides if possible.

Note 3 - Rugs will be shipped folded, so some creases can be seen at the time of unpacking the rug. These creases will go away after some days.

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