Mint Chopped and Dried - Selected for Quality
What is Mint?
Mint has long added its bright flavour and scent to drinks and dishes. The fresh or dried leaves are used as an ingredient, while the essential oil is extracted as a flavouring and scent. The young leaves are continuously harvested from spring through to autumn, but Mint can also be grown indoors and so is available year-round. The Mint plant is common and a favourite of many gardeners, so it's easy to grow your own. As a herb, it is gluten free and suitable for vegan, vegetarian and paleo diets.
Where does Mint Come From?
Mint, (genus Mentha), genus of 25 species of fragrant herbs of the Mint family (Lamiaceae). Native to Eurasia, North America, Southern Africa and Australia, Mints are widely distributed throughout the temperate areas of the world and have naturalized in many places. A number of species, particularly Peppermint and Spearmint, are used as flavourings for foods (including sweets and gum) and for liqueur and dentifrices. The essential oil of Mints are used as scents in perfumery. Some species are commonly used in herbal medicine.
Entirely Ingredients Mint?
Our Chopped Mint is food grade and selected for the highest quality. Our Mint comes from Egypt. The dried leaves of Mentha Spicata Linnaeus (Pepper Mint). The Mint is dried and partially separated from extraneous matter, at origin; cleaned, sieved, passes over magnets, quality controlled and packed at Entirely Ingredients.
What will I get if I buy?
You will receive your Dried Chopped Mint packaged in a sealed LDPE bag, please see the listing pictures above. If you have any queries about delivery, payment, returns or our contact details, before or after you have placed an order with us, please use the links at the top of this page to view the relevant page. If you would like to contact us, please email us here or send us an eBay message and we will respond as soon as someone becomes available.