The Tiffen Filters/Deep Yellow 15 Filter is a high-quality photographic filter designed to enhance the colors and tones in your images. Here are some key features of the filter:

  1. Profound Yellow Effect: The Deep Yellow 15 Filter adds a deep yellow color cast to your photographs, intensifying the warm tones and creating a vibrant and dramatic look. It is beneficial for landscape, nature, and outdoor photography, where it can enhance the golden hour or sunset scenes.

  2. 55mm Diameter: The filter has a diameter of 55mm, making it compatible with lenses or lens adapters that accept this size. It can easily be attached to your camera lens using the appropriate filter holder or screw-on mechanism.

  3. Optimal Light Transmission: The filter is crafted with high-quality glass or resin material, ensuring optimal light transmission while reducing reflections and glare. This allows you to capture clear and well-defined images with accurate color reproduction.

  4. Durability and Protection: Tiffen Filters are known for their durability and resistance to scratches, dirt, and fingerprints. The filter is designed to withstand regular use in various shooting conditions, offering protection to your lens while maintaining image quality.

  5. Creative Control: By using the Deep Yellow 15 Filter, you have greater control over the colors and mood of your photographs. It can help create a more dramatic and atmospheric effect, especially when combined with other filters or in post-processing.

  6. Versatile Application: The filter can be used with digital and film cameras, giving photographers flexibility in their creative process. It is compatible with various genres, including landscape, portrait, street, and still-life photography.

The Tiffen Filters/Deep Yellow 15 Filter is an excellent tool for photographers who want to add warmth, depth, and creativity to their images. Its profound yellow effect, 55mm diameter, optimal light transmission, durability, and versatility make it a valuable addition to your photography gear.