

Item Name

Unique Ancient Egyptian Antiques Egyptian Statue Of King Seti I Egyptian 


Item Description

 Maat Ra or Seti I, and one of his titles is Seti Merneptah. He was a pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty, the son of Ramesses I and Queen Sat-Ra. Seti I is the father of Ramesses II, who was born in 1303 BC. According to some historians, King Seti I ruled from 1294 BC. Or 1290 BC. Until 1279 or 1302 BC. The Greeks called it Sethosis. The Egyptian historian Manetho mistakenly considered him the founder of the Nineteenth Dynasty, and called him Seti, which means related to “Set,” which indicates that he was given to the god Set (as we say in Arabic: Cairene, Arab, or Alexandrian). Like most pharaohs, Seti had a number of names when he ascended the throne. He took the name “Min Ma’at Ra,” which means: “Immortal is the justice of Ra.” His most common and original name was: "Seti-Meri-n-Ptah", which means: the man of Set, the beloved of Ptah. The Greeks called him Sethuses. Seti I consolidated Egyptian authority in Palestine and the Levant, and resisted the Hittites who successfully ruled Asia Minor and concluded a peace treaty with them and not to attack them.


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