The product is a vintage Mottahedeh soup tureen made of white ceramic in the shape of a scallop shell. It comes with a lid and was manufactured in Italy.

This bowl sells from $650 without a lid and even cracked to one that recently sod at auction for $2635.00 however has sold much higher in the past. This one does have a small chip in the lid but not noticeable unless looking closely. This bowl is one my grandmother had for many years. It's my hope that the buyer will care for it and cherish it as she did. I have grown to love it however I'm very scared it will get broken as my career causes me to constantly move and for the reason I also must raise the money for a down payment on another car for work purposes. I can't take less than $750.00. It's a beautiful and very desirable piece to anyone's collection or to become an heirloom. I know I can get far more than $750.00 but someone truly desiring it and would cherish it may not be able to afford it's true value and it's important to me that it goes to someone that will cherish it as my grandmother did. It's truly a beautiful piece and one you will cherish for many years. I never tire looking at it's exquisite beauty.