Introducing the Custom Passive Mid Scoop mini switch for your bass, baritone, or jazz guitar! When installed, this device acts like a clean switch, cutting the mid frequencies to remove distortion without any loss in volume. This has 2.6H of audio induction!!! It’s powered without the need for any battery! It gives off a very FULL sound. Like Dolby Atmos-level surround sound.

So, what does this mean for you? Well, even with a clean tone, you’ll experience a warm and smooth sound whether you’re using the Neck or Bridge pickup on your electric guitar.

Imagine the outcome: clear, distortion-free tones that retain their full volume. It’s perfect for players who want versatility without sacrificing power.

This mini switch is designed to fit seamlessly onto your pickguard, and if your guitar body isn’t too thick, it can be installed through the body, though that might require a bit of routing.

But what exactly is a passive mid scoop?

It’s a circuit modification that reduces the midrange frequencies, resulting in a scooped sound profile. This means the midrange frequencies are cut, enhancing the bass and treble frequencies. The result is a tone that is more focused on the extremes of the frequency spectrum, giving you that classic “scooped” sound.

The best part?

Wiring this device is a breeze—it simply connects to the jack or the volume pot - I’ll provide a diagram for both. No need for batteries, no complicated setups. It’s the most effective circuit out there that enhances your guitar’s sound without the hassle of battery swap and maintenance.

Upgrade your guitar today with the Custom Passive Mid Scoop and unlock a new world of versatile, powerful tones!

This is the next best circuit to the Fender Clapton Mid-boost at a fraction of the cost and a thousand times easier to install!!!! I have both, so I speak from experience. Everything sounds better with this mod!

This is a definite pedal killer!