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Titolo: Warrior
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: The True Story of the Real War Horse
Autore: Isabel George
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9780008105044
ISBN: 9780008105044
Publisher: HarperTrue
Genere: Home Garden & Pets
Soggetto: History, Military History, Biography
Data di pubblicazione: 25/09/2014

An inspiring and heart-warming short story of devotion and bravery.

A thoroughbred horse, Warrior, is passed through various owners before he is shipped to the thick of the action on the Western Front to serve as his current master’s mount for all four years of the First World War.

Warrior and General ‘Galloping Jack Seeley’ were involved from the first engagements through to one of the last, the Battle of Moreuil Wood. Together they fought in terrifying battles and witnessed the death of many horses and masters who served alongside them, terrible deaths, but through it all Warrior seemed to pass like a spirit.

This is the tale of his heroic wartime exploits and eventual return to the green fields of England. An evocative and powerful story of a real and great war horse.

Warrior’s story was the basis for the fictional Joey in Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 178mm
Lunghezza: 111mm
Larghezza: 6mm
Peso: 70g
Serie: HarperTrue Friend – A Short Read
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014

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