Your dog is one-of-a-kind… that’s why IAMS makes a dry dog food that’s just as unique as they are. IAMS Adult Minichunks Small Kibble Dry Dog Food with Real Chicken gives your lovable adult dog the nutrition they need in the small kibble size they prefer. With real, farm-raised chicken as the first ingredient, this adult dog food supports healthy digestion with a wholesome blend of fibers and prebiotics. Plus, the smaller dog kibble promotes strong muscles with a premium-sourced protein. When you feed your dog IAMS dry food, you can feel good knowing they’re getting the nutrition they need to bring out their unique best.

Chicken, Ground Whole Grain Corn, Ground Whole Grain Sorghum, Chicken By-Product Meal, Dried Beet Pulp, Natural Flavor, Chicken Fat (preserved with mixed Tocopherols), Dried Egg Product, Potassium Chloride, Flaxseed, Caramel Color, Salt, L-Lysine Monohydrochloride, Choline Chloride, Carrots, Tomatoes,Calcium Carbonate, Fructooligosaccharides, Spinach, Green Peas, Minerals (Ferrous Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Sodium Selenite, Manganese Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Manganous Oxide, Potassium Iodide), Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Ascorbic Acid, Calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin A Supplement, Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate (source of Vitamin B1), Vitamin B12 supplement, Niacin, Riboflavin Supplement (source of Vitamin B2), Inositol, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (source of Vitamin B6), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid), Dried Brewers Yeast, DL-Methionine, Dried Apple Pomace, L-Carnitine, Dried Blueberry Pomace, Mixed Tocopherols, Rosemary Extract.
Guaranteed Analysis
25.0% min Crude Protein
14.0% min Crude Fat
4.0% max Crude Fiber
10.0% max Moisture
8.0% max Ash
1.05% min Calcium
1.8% max Calcium
0.7% min Phosphorus
1.25% max Phosphorus
40 mg/kg min L-Carnitine
2.15% min Omega-6 Fatty Acids
0.14% min Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Feeding Instructions
Weight of Dog (lbs.) Maintenance—Feed Daily 3 lbs. 1/3 c 10 lbs. 3/4 – 7/8 c 20 lbs. 1 1/4 – 1 1/2 c 30 lbs. 1 2/3 – 2 c 40 lbs. 2 – 2 1/3 c 50 lbs. 2 1/2 – 2 3/4 c 60 lbs. 2 3/4 – 3 1/4 c 70 lbs. 3 1/4 – 3 2/3 c 80 lbs. 3 1/2 c – 4 c 90 lbs. 3 3/4 c – 4 1/3 c 100 lbs. 4 1/4 c – 4 3/4c