TopScan Expands More New Features, Turn A Smartphone Into A Smart Diagnostic Tool.

Q: How do I know that the TopScan is suitable for my car?

A: Please reach out to us to check compatibility before purchasing.

Q:Does TopScan require a subscription fee?

A: Yes, but we don't need a subscription for the first year, the first year is free and the second year requires a subscription of $49.99.

Q: Can TopScan be used more than once?

A: Yes, unlimited number of uses. Only after the first year subscription expires, the reset functions are not available and you need to subscribe to use them, but OBD base feature is free for life!

Bi-directional Control, Quickly Locate Problems

8+ Popular Functions, Full System Diagnosis:

AutoVin & AutoScan

One Click to Update

Share and Print Report

Feedback Function