2 Western Electric 437A Tubes

NOT matched

From an old repair shop / ham radio operator's collectionI was told "I got them from the small rural Telephone Company in town,when it closed years ago" .. 

Chrome tops are shiny & bright silver,but not easy to get good pics ..

*Auditioned in a new Preamp for sonic functionality, using a 2x 437A to 6SN7 Adapter,

Nice real WE sound

**also Auditioned in a modern 300B amp, with the 6SN7 adapter

NOTE ~ as you know, notoriously difficult to test Most testers, including my TV-7,  omit types; 436a & 437a

These ARE Tested!

Fyi~ my AT1000 would need an adaptor & software update via windows pc ( I'm a Mac guy)

- - > Consequently I have collaborated with the Western-Glow Co of Indy,and Chris at Amplitrex to source the hardware adapter and a trusted PC-based AT1000 user

please check pics & video( preamp, amp, and adaptor NOT included )

((... MC275 NOT For Sale ))

FULL REFUND if not Satisfied!

Refund only upon return of Tubes

No partial refunds ..