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Titolo: Booster Gold: The Complete 2007 Series Book One
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Geoff Johns, Jeff Katz
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781779527233
ISBN: 9781779527233
Publisher: DC Comics
Genere: Graphic Novels
Data di pubblicazione: 23/04/2024
Description: Presenting the greatest, most popular, most beloved, and did we say popular, superhero of all time: Booster Gold! Or so he hopes to be thought of one day. As the time-traveling hero gets caught up in the madness of changing histories, fighting Time Stealers, and trying to undo the death of his bestie, Blue Beetle, he will learn the hard way that twisting time too far may just cause it to snap! Collects Booster Gold #0-14 and #1,000,000.
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 259mm
Lunghezza: 168mm
Title Format: Paperback
Lingua: inglese
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

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