Deep Shades are formulated to obtain simple and fast shading on small scale miniatures while maintaining an overall matte finish.

They make the speed painting of miniature armies easy and efficient allowing to us work in three (3) simple steps:

1 - Base paint
2 - Deep Shade
3 - Highlights

For more advanced techniques - Deeps Shades are great for airbrush shading - adjusting undertones - recess shading - weathering - smoothing layers - panel liner

They are formulated with micro-dispersed pigments (less than one micron) in pure acrylic resins to slightly tint the volumes and accentuate the contrast of the shadows where the product accumulates. The product presents a perfect balance between fluidity and viscosity the latter being superior to enamel washes to facilitate the retention of the pigment in the folds and nooks an essential issue when working on figures that usually keep a vertical position.

Compare to: Army Painter Quickshade - Citadel Shades