Remote Control: Television, Audiences, and Cultural Power (Routledge Library Editions: Television)

Verlag / Jahr
Routledge, 02.2016.
Format / Einband
, Softcover/Paperback 280 Seiten
ca. 449 g
Fresh and clean copies in good condition. Frische und saubere Exemplare in gutem Zustand. Contents: List of contributors - Preface - Introduction - Ellen Seiter, Hans Borchers, Gabriele Kreutzner, and Eva-Maria Warth - 1 Changing paradigms in audience studies - David Morley - 2 Bursting bubbles: “Soap Opera,” audiences, and the limits of genre - Robert C. Allen - 3 Moments of television: Neither the text nor the audience - John Fiske - 4 Live television and its audiences: Challenges of media reality - Claus-Dieter Rath - 5 Wanted: Audiences. On the politics of empirical audience studies - Ien Ang - 6 Text and audience - Charlotte Brunsdon - 7 Out of the mainstream: Sexual minorities and the mass media - Larry Gross - 8 Soap operas at work - Dorothy Hobson - 9 The media in everyday family life: Some biographical and typological aspects - Jan-Uwe Rogge - 10 Approaching the audience: The elderly - John Tulloch ISBN 9781138985100
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Remote Control: Television, Audiences, and Cultural Power (Routledge Library Editions: Television)

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