Original Floppy Disk Dongle for MacOS 9 version of Logic Audio Platinum 4.1.5

Aah, version 4. When Logic introduced its legendary stock plug-ins. Also, scaleable tracks and the ability to import wav files without having to convert them to SDII or AIFF. Remember the telescopes at the top right to zoom in? Remember the first time a solo'd track turned yellow? Remember when Logic was made by emagic, before Apple bought them? Remember when Logic was also  available for the PC?! What!?

I'm guessing if you're reading this, then you do remember those heady Mac OS 9 days. And maybe you have made some money out of making music and are living the dream. So much so that you want to purchase this little piece of history and maybe frame it. Maybe point at it and tell your kids that 'back in the day' we could store 1.4 MEGABYTES on one of those bad boys. So it takes 771 of them to store one Gigabyte, meaning that if you have a 128 GB phone, then it holds just shy of 100,000 floppy disks worth!

But then this floppy disk you didn't even save anything to. You had to put it in your floppy drive just to make Logic work! I had a to buy a floppy drive alongside my G4 just for this very purpose!

Mental to think back when we had to do multiple disk swaps just to load a few seconds of samples on an S1000 or MPC.

So I am hoping that your musical journey (or other life-adventure) has rewarded you enough to consider splashing out on this piece of history. You might even want to employ me to fix or engineer stuff in your studio. Or just ramble on about SMPTE stripe bleed and degaussing. Or just buy this and reminisce about the old days when Logic came in Silver, Gold and Platinum versions with the name "G. Lingeling" on the loading screen.

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