Real Copper Pyramid for Meditation Yoga Healing Energy Nubian Giza 1.2 M  4ft

Step into a realm of profound transformation with our Real Copper Pyramid. Rising to 1.2 meters (4 feet), this meticulously crafted masterpiece is a conduit for spiritual elevation. Fashioned from genuine copper, renowned for its conductivity and energetic properties, this pyramid radiates positive energy, aiding in the balancing of chakras and facilitating deep meditation.

The sacred Nubian Giza design infuses this pyramid with ancient wisdom, seamlessly merging tradition with contemporary craftsmanship. As you enter its sacred space, a palpable shift occurs, guiding you towards inner exploration and healing.

Harnessing copper's unique ability to amplify energy, this pyramid creates an atmosphere of clarity and serenity, ideal for spiritual growth and rejuvenation. Whether you're embarking on a spiritual journey or seeking solace in daily practice, this pyramid serves as a tangible gateway to higher consciousness.

Position it in your home, studio, or sacred space, and feel its presence inspire and uplift you. Let the Real Copper Pyramid become the focal point of your meditation, yoga, and healing rituals as you embrace its power to align mind, body, and spirit. Unlock the profound potential of meditation, yoga, and healing energy with this exquisite masterpiece, and embark on a journey towards clarity, balance, and boundless positivity.

72.6 degree bottom angle
base 4 ft/ 1.2M
height 5.9 ft 1.8M